santiago flight 513 real images

The crew, who would do time checks to ensure there were no faults with the on-board clock against the control tower, had performed such a check only twenty minutes before making their approach to land. The story of the puzzling incident that allegedly happened to Santiago Flight 513 between 1954 and 1989 has been making rounds among the believers of the supernatural for decades now and still, people arent sure of what to make of it. The Plane That (Temporarily) Didnt Exist! Solved the mystery of the disappearance of Santiago Flight 513 and Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 bot. This suggests to me that the initial experiment was successful, the aircraft had landed immediately (two years into the future to buy the newspapers, therefore success). Black-Box is an infinite space for an object from all the sides, and after some time (at max few hours), the object stops moving and hang there in space, and all the collected EMDF of an object resides with the object and remain there for an infinite time until someone opens the gates at that position where it is right now hanging. Not a single piece of debris. If lightning opens the gates of the 4th Dimension at exactly 360 degrees, then the Gates of Black-Box will open and in this Everything is Black, the object which is entering feels as it has entered in between Black cloud. The flight was just another typical and routine trip between two cities. Santiago Airlines Flight 513 departed Aachen, West Germany, on 4th September 1954, and was due to arrive in Porto Alegre, Brazil, 18 hours later. Not a single clue about the passengers belongings. It was thought that Santiago Flight 513 would go the way of the unexplained vanishing aircraft after all, no one expects an airplane to finally land after 35 years missing. (2) Awaken family interest in Germany by attempting to obtain details of aviation/passenger insurance for possible claims. The Atlanta Blackout Conspiracy A Cover-Up Of A Secret Mission? His apparently directed trajectory has led many scholars to consider the possibility, The Flight 513: Plane That Disappeared And Reappeared 35 Years Later. some of these mysteries have GROWN TO become a legend, FAMOUS TALES like the story of Amelia Earhart and her disappearance, the many planes that have vanished over the infamous Bermuda triangle and of course the sightings and interactions with UFPs. Fotos aeronuticas y de aeronaves - Mira, busca o carga fotos! From the mysterious death of the famous American female aviator Amelia Mary Earhart on July 2, 1937, causing the US Navy to deploy an unprecedentedly expensive search in the Pacific Ocean in history to the strange disappearance 5 Grumman TBF Avenger torpedo bombers belonging to the US 19th Squadron over the waters of the devil triangle of Bermuda on December 5, 1945 All became the greatest aviation mysteries in the world in the 20th century. A place for write and share stories and earn money by doing so. Because the author wanted to talk about wormholes (an unconfirmed concept in science), as well as time distortions, he made up this whole story for the purpose of attracting public opinion, just like the rumors about UFOs and aliens for so long. The passengers would have had no reason to think twice about it. Gernon is considered to be the only person on Earth to witness what mystery is behind the Bermuda Triangle and what the Triangle creates to make things disappear. Should the connections of the plane to the Lockheed group be any reason for suspicion? But he doesnt seem to have had an explanation as to how the skeleton of the pilot managed to land the plane safely. Sometimes you are still able to find the object through radar till he is moving in Black-Box(all his energy changes into EMDF), or Black-Box gates are open.,,5391548&hl=en,,, Flight 401 And The Ghosts Of Bob Loft And Don Repo, The Flight JK297 UFO Incident The Manises Case, The American West Flight 564 UFO Incident, The Japanese Airlines Flight 1628 UFO Encounter. An Unintentional Time Wave Over Bolivia? If you want, you can check all the details with officials of the separate organization. Answer (1 of 2): Broadly speaking, there are three reasons why the story is widely considered to be false. REVISTA N0. 64 reviews. The plane was circling the airport, which it did several times before it eventually came in to land on one of the runways. This is one of the kinds of strongest Black magic which usually people try to achieve and the only person who was able to achieve is Ravana and that why nobody is able to defeat him, about this, I have found in the ancient text which is 22 thousand years old where the writer has written that he doesn't know the procedure but know that it can be possible. As they entered the cluster, the air became denser and within a short time the plane was completely enveloped by the cloud and visibility was reduced to 7 or 8 kilometres. After exiting the strange fog he noticed that 30 minutes had passed and he travelled 100 miles in just a short time in the vortex. The account of the Santiago Flight 513 is truly one of the most mysterious and mind-bending encounters on record. Some of their motives are just to come out from where they were at then. It looked in a well-maintained shape and the engines were still up and running even after the plane touched base. There was a total of 92 people on the flight, including 88 passengers and four crew members. If you are able to detect lines of Existential Magnetic Field, then only you will be able to detect the Gates of Black-Box, which I can detect easily. While word obviously leaked out of the incident, which lets not forget occurred in full view of a busy airport, the high-ranking airport employees would remain tight-lipped regarding the apparent encounter. I have seen many skeletons after the completion of their motive. It was, a standard flight across the Atlantic Ocean that operated regularly. Mysteriously disappeared in 1954 and suddenly "returned" in 1989, Santiago Flight 513 real images and its fictitious disappearance can be briefly summarized as follows. These Gates can remain open for days even when the climate is clear, and the size of the gate may vary from approx 40 m radius to 0.9783 mm radius. In 2008, after an episode of a ghost hunting show was filmed in the museum, Col. Colleen Ryan, 88 ABW Commander, explained: We are really looking forward to the episode. The air traffic controllers tried contacting the pilot but got no response. Santiago Flight 513, a Commercial Airliner that takes off in Germany in 1954, and lands in Brazil in 1989 with 92 skeletons on board with the dead pilot still at controls. One where a plane took off from Germany in 1954, disappeared and was presumed crashed, before reappearing again over the skies of Brazil some thirty-five years later and performing a perfect, standard landing. Alex Rodriguez 1993 Classic Images Sudden Impact #SI 4 RC (Foil Damage On Front and Back) Did it reappear in 1989, then? Not a signal. However, the case was still officially unexplained and unsolved. The Strange Case of Bruce Gernon A Survivor of the Deadly Bermuda Triangle this was not a comercial flight that the aircraft left Aachen on the morning of 4 September 1954. As they enter in Black-Box, Captain divert the aircraft towards the left in the thought of that they are in a black cloud and again divert after few minutes in the hope they will come out of it and praying to god please make them out of this, you will know all about this just check if you have the copy of CVR. However, several hours later, while over the Atlantic, the plane simply disappeared. At that time, his planes connection with the control centre went lost as well as the compass and other aircraft devices were not working at all. In this world, there are such many places but especially the Bermuda Triangle, the Devils Sea Zone and the Michigan Triangle are the ones that notoriously famous for such unexplained disappearances and unusual incidents. The Plane that landed with 92 skeletons on board is an unsolved aviation mystery, that comes up every now and then. Weekly World News was infamous for publishing fictional stories in their tabloid more often than not. There are many theories around this strange event, to the point that even today, it remains unsolved. The passengers would have had no reason to think twice about it. A few reports have also called out a resemblance to Santiago Flight 513 which went missing from Germany in 1954 and was found 35 years later with skeletons seated in the aircraft. A large-scale search was launched soon after to save the lucky survivors (if any). The museum has even been featured on various ghost hunting TV shows, their hosts allegedly recording voices and images of the museums spirits, or even conversing with them. Once the airport authorities approached the plane cautiously, they opened the doors from the outside and what they say, chilled their bones to the core. With this sudden and strange appearance, theories once again went into overdrive. Required fields are marked *. On November 14, 1989, Weekly World News published an article that attracted public opinion titled 1950s Airliner Lands With 92 Skeletons On Board. And the government has never come out with any particular interpretation. These three aviation stories are spooky but are they true? In the seats, as if part of a macabre display, sat the skeletal remains of the passengers of the flight. Many intellectuals believe that those places unpredictably create some kinds of time portals called Vortex. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience. TWA continued its operations until cessation on 1 December 2001 when acquired by American Airlines. Search for discount Santiago de los Caballeros hotels, motels,. However, the flight was never able to land in Chile because, for some mysterious reason, air traffic control on the ground completely lost contact with the flight crew when it flew across the Atlantic Ocean. Urban Legend? Although it was determined that the article by author Irwin Fisher was only a fiction, because of its reputation for strange stories, American public opinion at that time still accepted it. It will not reflect it back. On this particular fateful trip in early September 1954, the flight took off with 88 passengers and four crew members. Mysteriously disappeared in 1954 and suddenly returned in 1989,Santiago Flight 513 real imagesand its fictitious disappearance can be briefly summarized as follows. They also reportedthe 92 people on boardasdeceased. Once again, it is pure speculation, but there were (and still are) a substantial number of US airbases in (West) Germany. Might these officials have known more than they let on? It was the first fatal accident involving a Tupolev Tu-124. The history of world aviation has witnessed several mysterious disappearances. However, the US Air Force, which owns the museum, has been more enthusiastic about such coverage, even viewing it as a chance to reach out to a new audience. According to this theory, Vortex opens on another worlda parallel world consists of anti-matter and that can absorb people, masses or even light and time. Reason One: The Ill-Reputation Of The Tabloid. Over decades, these traceless vanishing have become a real deal, keeping people forever in doubt. Over the years weve shared with you a number of online video resources, from popular shows, The Plane That Landed With 92 Skeletons On Board, The Truth About The Missing Plane Returned With 92 Skeletons, Elephant That Spent 11 Hours Digging A Hole Finally Pulls Out Something Nobody ExpectedHello, Donald Trumps malaria drug fails another coronavirus test, Rare white giraffes killed by poachers in Kenya, Moronfolu Samuel fact:BARCELONA DEFENCE REASON THE MISFORTUNE TEST HERE TO SEE THE OVERALL DETAILS, Garden of Eden FOUND? Everything was intact to perfection. With no other information to go on and no wreckage to study, the main theory was that the planeexperienced difficulties and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. [1] Contents 1 Aircraft 2 Crew 3 Flight and accident 4 Cause One where a plane took off from Germany in 1954, disappeared and was presumed crashed, before reappearing again over the skies of Brazil some thirty-five years later and performing a perfect, standard landing. Or, any sighting of a crashed plane on the ground. And if a test of some kind of highly-advanced and top-secret technology was to take place, it would also make sense to have that happen away from the skies of the United States. And it, too, disappeared without a trace, devoid of any communication with airport bases, and showing no signs of distress. The plane was grabbed by a starship from the Dorn spiral on the other side of our Galaxy. @2021 - If lightning is able to open the gates of the 4th Dimension at 180 degrees. I want to go in the past to learn this technique on how to send someone without any equipment, which only Ravana knows. This alone assists in damaging the credibility of such accounts. Still, we cant argue with the fact that all of them are quite shudder-inducing, It seems the shows and the stories did little to convince the museums management the ghosts are real. No. Perhaps this is why there are so few reports of such incidents. For 35 years, this case was closed. Or A Twisted Combination Of The Two? The story becomes even more fascinating when the missing flight allegedly reappears and circles the Airport of Porto Alegre, Brazil on October 12th, 1989, and lands with 92 skeletons on board!! Setimus And The Aztec UFO Crash The First Alien Contact Encounter Of Modern Times? New definition of online Magazine and Services: Designs | Trainings | Solutions | Consultancy Magazine for creative people, photographers painters, interesting stories and enthusiastic seekers. Although 35 years had passed, not a single object or part of the plane was damaged. From there, investigate whether details of the reappearance was ever made known in West Germany (particularly how property of the deceased was dealt with under Family Law etc,) and whether any human remains were returned to Germany. Namun, 35 tahun kemudian, tepatnya pada 12 Oktober 1989, Santiago Airlines flight 513 secara tiba-tiba muncul kembali. There was no lightning or rain, but there were white flashes that illuminated the sky, and although Gernon rose to approximately 3000 metres of altitude, he could not get out of the cluster. He further claims its because of something called electronic fog. It is said that Bruce was captured by the electronic fog where in which there have been dozens of planes and boats too which went missing in this fog throughout history. I am not questioning the fact that the incident at Porto Alegre occurred, or occurred as it is reported to have occurred: but that great efforts have been made to cover over the vital details of the flight. They also noted that the plane was still idling! But all these investigators were finally able to give the same theory to the . Muelle de las Delicias, s/n. 1989 (erwin fisher) 513 Over decades, these traceless vanishing have become a real deal, keeping people forever in doubt. Post a new comment! What was strange, however, was the crew would act as if nothing strange had occurred. Bruce Gernon claims that on December 4, 1970, he flew a Beech Bonanza from Andros Airport, Bahamas, to Palm Beach, Florida 250 miles in only 47 minutes. If you have faced any supernatural or unexplainable event then you can submit your own story to reach out to more people using our website as a medium. Did these natural magnetic forces react with those of CERN to create a wormhole? Flight 513 Enters a Time Warp Santiago Flight 513 departed from Aachen in what was then West Germany on September 4, 1954. The website Ghost Freaks Publication claims to have seen an extract from the aviation authorities report that along with the skeletons there were warm coffee cups, lit cigarettes of the Old Gold brand (American), and newspapers dated 21 September 1956 whose ink smelled as though it had been printed out the day before'. That's why nobody is able to understand what is happening with the plane. The teaser of JL50 reminded us of this incident. Read more about how we fact-check content here. And a few years ago, there was the case of the Malaysian plane MH370. The only certainties upon which we can rely are the Brazilian Governments confirmation of the arrival of the aircraft at Porto Alegre and an aviation authority report which may be the same thing, but neither of which have been declassified although some details have leaked out. Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. There was no further contact with the control tower and the experts were unable to do anything else. Published in Weekly World News (USA) 29 years ago, the fictional story of the missing Santiago Flight 513 in the Atlantic Ocean attracted a lot of public attention at that time. Speculating that it could be proof of strange phenomenon such as wormholes, for example, physics professor, Roderigo de Manhawould state that such a discovery could change the way we view our world and alter science as we know it. Eventually, the plane came close to the runway and stuck a perfect landing. From 19 October 1953 TWA offered a non-stop transatlantic service from the United States to Europe. The history of world aviation has witnessed several mysterious disappearances. And a few years ago, there was the case of the Malaysian plane MH370. 35 years later, the flight appeared in Brazil, with the92 skeletons of its crewon board. The Lockheed Super Constellation plane with 92 people disappeared completely in the middle of the ocean. It is only after 31 years of his complete research on the triangle did Bruce Gernon discover how he had flown those 100 miles in such a short time and never seen the Earth or sky around him. It would not have been possible to gag all relatives of the deceased in a commercial airliner disappearance. Some experts suggest that it was a case of alien abduction. What Was the Response of Government & Flight Authorities To This Weird Claim? A large-scale search was launched soon after to save the lucky survivors (if any). It took 35 years instead of 18 hours, as planes get turbulence meters before that's why everyone buckled their seat belts. ETH513 flight schedule Set Up Unlimited Flight Alerts & More Check out premium account features for aviation professionals and enthusiasts. In the early 2000s, Airbus had an idea to, Airlines are currently competing for business class passengers, particularly when it comes to creating offers on international flights,. Heres What We Actually Found about the Missing Santiago Flight 513 Almost as soon as the response team approached, several of them began to get an eerie feeling about how events were unfolding. Required fields are marked *. He witnesses this from its birth stage through its mature stage and enters the heart of the Time-storm and escape through a Tunnel of Vortex and experience a time warp. When authorities approached the craft and took note of its age, they were baffled to discover that it belonged to Santiago Airlines, an airline that had ceased operating in 1956. Answer (1 of 5): Yes this is true. There is one story that stands out from the rest, the tale of an aeroplane which disappeared into the clouds vanishing for years and then shockingly reappearing halfway across the globe decades later.IF The only question we ever need. YouTube content to intrigue, fascinate and amuse.Speculation, education and imagination. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, And Twitter For More Interesting Content Also Subscribe To Our Youtube Channel. On board the Lockheed Super Constellation were 88 passengers and four crew members. At the time of the disappearance, authorities believed that the plane had crashed and for the years to follow, multiple search parties were formed in order to look out for the remains of the passengers or the plane but nothing was found. While the passengers knew nothing of the incident, even they would eventually notice the ten-minute difference with their watches. Not least due to the Santiago Airlines logo on the side of the aircraft who had been out of business for over three decades since 1956. However, on October 12, 1989 a huge plane was found in the Brazilian port city of Porto Alegre (South America). After all, even if we got our heads around the notion of wormholes and portals, or even time-travel, how did the plane land so successfully without a crew to guide it down? Might the flight have been part of some kind of experiment with secret technology? Inside, the 92 people who went missing on the same flight as Santiago Flight 513 were then only 92 white skeletons sitting neatly in their seats. There never has been an airfield at Aachen, but in 1954 the RAF had a fighter station at Geilenkirchen only ten miles away with a runway of sufficient length to be used by this kind of Lockheed passenger aircraft. They didnt conclude where the plane had been for the intervening 35 years! We are IF 11.2K subscribers Dislike 88,160 views Premiered Dec 23, 2018 Please watch: "Monster Sharks and the Meg". Did the Santiago Flight 513 Enter A Time Warp? For his small private plane, it was impossible. That was until the plane landed in Brazil in 1989. It requires a speed of 500kmph consistently. Were they victims of some unknown Bermuda Triangle-type phenomenon? From the mysterious death of the famous American female aviator Amelia Mary Earhart on July 2, 1937, causing the US Navy to deploy an unprecedentedly expensive search in the Pacific Ocean in history to the strange disappearance 5 Grumman TBF Avenger torpedo bombers belonging to the US 19thSquadron over the waters of the devil triangle of Bermuda on December 5, 1945 All became the greatest aviation mysteries in the world in the 20th century. As it began its approach to land, however, the plane suddenly vanished from the radar screens of the control tower. Repeated attempts to communicate with the mysterious aircraft were made by the control tower at the airport below. Santiago Flight 513 Landed With 92 Skeletons: According to an article published by tabloid Weekly World News in 1989, Santiago Airlines Flight 513 took off on September 4, 1954 from Aachen, West Germany and was scheduled to arrive in. (a) the minimum crew would have been five, three flight crew and two attendants, and the aircraft only had four: I am checking to see if TWA had a certificate for flights from the United States to Chile which might have required one less flight crew. There was nothing special about theplane, or at least, not that is known. Three and a half decades later, on October 12, 1989, the Porto Alegre airport in Brazil spotted an unauthorised aircraft circling around the airbase. Published in Weekly World News (USA) 29 years ago, the fictional story of the missing Santiago Flight 513 in the Atlantic Ocean attracted a lot of public attention at that time. No device will be able to detect the gates of Black-Box. Although 35 years had passed, not a single object or part of the plane was damaged. The account of the Santiago Flight 513 is truly one of the most mysterious and mind-bending encounters on record. The TWA certificate in 1954 was for Frankfurt. ! Maybe we should look again at the Lockheed connection. Air and Space. Therefore, it is strongly believed that the government officials have hushed up this case, they have cleared all the evidence that time warp does really exist and they dont want to scare us. In 1985, the tabloid known for conjuring up farcical stories, published an article about another flight, Pan Am Flight 914, that reportedly had gone missing for 37 years before turning up again and landing without incident. A Standard Flight Across The Atlantic Ocean, A Crime To Keep Information Like This Secret!. Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. It has even been mentioned that they could have passed through some space-time vortex that was created in the sky. Dr. Celso Atello, a paranormal researcher, said that the Santiago flight 513 had almost certainly entered a time warp, there is no other explanation. It was as if, as one air control staff member said for ten minutes, you just did not exist. It was believed that the plane had entered a time warp. Actually, this extraordinary story was first published as a breathtaking news by The Weekly World News Tabloid, 14 Nov 1989 Edition, where the report of a newspaper reporter named Irwin Fisher confirms the sketchy details about the missing Santigo flight 513. Santiago Flight 513 This next story of a spooky flight might sound familiar In 1954, Santiago Airlines Flight 513 took off from Aachen, Germany on its way to Porto Alegre, Brazil. Surprising everyone. Cuisines: Bar, Mediterranean, Spanish, Healthy. Pesawat Santiago Airlines dengan nomor penerbangan (flight) 513 dikabarkan hilang di Samudera Atlatik Utara dalam perjalanan dari Aachen, Jerman menuju Porto Alegre, Brasil. TWA operated Lockheed Super Constellation L-1049 flights after taking delivery of ten such aircraft in 1952. When entering 1989, however, maybe space-time caught up to them upon landing and reduced them to skeletal remains. For the first time, it seems to be beyond science fiction, but for some years, this miraculous story has been circulating on the internet with various eye-catching headlines such as, Pan American Flight 914 took off in 1955 but landed after 37 years or DC 4 aircraft disappeared in 1955, landed after 37 years or 1950s Airliner lands with 92 skeletons, or Lost Plane Found After 37 Years! all describing nearly the same incident. The opinions and discussion in the comments below are not the views of UFO Insight, they are the views of the individual posting the comment. [1] The Lockheed Super Constellations planned destination was Chile in South America. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Santiago Flight 513 departed from Aachen (Germany), scheduled to arrive in Chile (South America). Approaching the opening, he realized that it was a perfectly horizontal tunnel, just over a kilometre long, and that he could see the blue sky on the other side. Even captain Miguel Victor Cury is still in a normal plane control posture. What happened? Even more bizarre, upon researching the planes serial number, the system would declare this was Santiago Flight 513. All communications would also cease instantly. Looks like the temporal effect wore off as the plane was landing, and the null time effect possibly released in an elastic manner to allow the localized time differential specific to the aircraft to re approach present time So while they were all sound and alive during approach, by the time the airport security entered the plane, time had re corrected the years and fatally aged all the pilots and passengers The inconsistent issue is that the planes inorganic material appeared new Possibly the time / torsion field had a very specific effect on organic matter and mechanical parts were better preserved ? They had, quite literally, it would seem, vanished into thin air. The author does not own the rights to this content. The destination of the plane was Santiago de Chile, in South America. Is it Possible To Go Through Such Time Warp And Again Come Back? Discover FlightAware Premium Features Base Layer Classic Click to change Overlays Sunlit Earth Weather Radar Worldwide Weather TFRs Nearby Airports Planned Route En route Replay Speed 10x Show: Filed Altitude In order to determine that this event was not a hoax, it appears to me that investigation needs to be undertaken to do the following: (1) Confirm that this flight definitely existed. Airplane Photos & Aviation Photos - View, Search, or Upload Photos! Right then, he saw a huge tunnel, at least 50 km in diameter, through the strange thick clouds. The incident took place between 1954 and 1989. Caidin would write that Federal investigators and officials of National (Airlines) couldnt get into that jetliner fast enough. Although the accounts are open to debate, perhaps intentionally so, there are several examples of these mysterious aerial incidents in more contemporary times. Published in Weekly World News (USA) 29 years ago, the fictional story of the missing Santiago Flight 513 in the Atlantic Ocean attracted a lot of public attention at that time. It is interesting to note that in the Internet section on Accidents and Incidents involving TWA and the L-1049 type aircraft, the loss of the airliner in 1954 is not mentioned. 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Why there are many theories around this strange event, to the runway and stuck perfect... Investigators were finally able to understand what is happening with the control tower at airport! Professionals and enthusiasts radar screens of the Ocean mysterious and mind-bending encounters on record nothing special about,! Such Time Warp September 1954, the Flight have been possible to go in the middle the... Seem, vanished into thin air they victims of some kind of experiment with Secret santiago flight 513 real images save. Airliner disappearance created in the Brazilian port city of Porto Alegre ( South America stories in their more., 1989 a huge plane was circling the airport, which it did several times before it eventually in... Dimension at 180 degrees operated regularly crew members, too, disappeared without a trace, devoid of communication! Own the rights to this Content managed to land the plane was found in the past to learn this on... Continued its operations until cessation on 1 December 2001 when acquired by American Airlines is. Had no reason to think twice about it called Vortex y de aeronaves - Mira, busca o carga!!

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santiago flight 513 real images

santiago flight 513 real images