words with friends scammer photos

Ive told them I have 9 children and changed my profile picture and still they keep on asking for my phone number, I got a female scammer yesterday.. Pic looked attractive (by design black crop top, low cut, blonde, mirror selfie- in case someone comes across her), but she started chatting. After reading all these scenarios, I am so glad I followed my gut. Can you share some info about the person you might have come in contact with who is named Fred Anderson? Right now i have 10 of these men wanting to chat. Thanks for sharing this information. Ive had these guys bugging me for years! A widower because his wife was shot in an armed robbery and died on the way to the hospital. Beware probably same guy they change names a whole group of them doing this crap, There are quite a few Thomas out there, somehow involved in shipping, sometimes mentioning Maersk Line. Caught him out quite easily-I asked him what the time was where he was and he gave me local time in Africa And yet another scammer emerges! Oil refineries ect.) I used Jayden photos and found it to be California aspiring actor Harrison Cone.. Same story as some of you, professes his love for you, has even asked me to marry him. The scammer stole his photos from Instragram. Yesterday I started a new game, she resigned right away.Her name on her profile was unusual, but I cannot recall what it was. I ask what is coil and he said, sorry meant cool music. WebScammer Mark Baron. And please dont shy away from request, simply because theyre from strangers. The same scenario with me and 3 different men chatting on WWF. Wife, Olivia, died of Leukemia. Claims to me from Denmark but moved to Toronto once 16th with the family. Owen then asks the woman player for money. On my screen, it shows my name, although theyve always called me by my screen name. Anyone have any dealings with Kevin Coleman? Quite a few blokes asked me to play same old story their wives had died . Yeah, ok. You are barely literate and youre a big shot at the UN. The last one I did had 66 returns! Did not have a clue about the chatting until recently. Am I being paranoid? If the highest game score is 500 or greater and the average game score is low 100s or less Good bye unless I am bored waiting for my regulars to play. Other times I say Im a disabled person or a student or barista or whatever. 72 likes. He goes by Thomson Smith. Heres the deal. Says he has a place in Chicago but owns a business in Brussels. There seems to be an increase of these scammers lately! They make millions on these romance scams. Same MO. I reported his info to Ftc.gov. Teenagers. Scammer Mario Bertolini. He is using the pictures of: Al Vazquez for his Profile pictures. Also my perps name is Raymond Buffman, I took his photo to a catfish photo site and found his pic on 20 different dating sites, slightly different pics. Claimed his married was just to keep his job and for his kids. Next thing I know, they disappeared from the game. I was wonderingcan these scammers (or bots) access any info from my cell phone thru this app? ], Hey its not just men hitting on women. Also they ask for bitcoins. Im wondering why they insist on getting a gmail address. Here are a few recent ones: Williamjohn183- playing since 11/22/20 Lives in Galveston, Texas. Has anyone come across Alex Peterson ? When I told him he was a fake he said I was accusing him of being a goal digger I really knew then he was a flakeHe sent fake pictures through WhatsApp. I have a bunch from Germany living in us. Was fine until I requested vacation for him only to be contacted that wanted $24,500 for a 3 month leave!! Dont feel sorry for them. The bald head is everywhere on google representing him as a church family and community man. Then I say GOT YOU! Does anybody know what this is about? Did anyone else notice this? And you want me to go to Google Hangouts just to see what they will say. I just wish I could see their faces as they read it. How about David Taurus, wife died, navy stationed in Turkey, in the hospital because he was robbed. Sometimes I feel like its the same person changing aliases and pictures. While in HK, he ran into a problem with the governor an electronic velocity machine and only had $6k on him, could I wire him $4k to get a new one. Oh my goodness. I was just approached by one of them on TikTok! I told friends I was having fun talking w/him. WebIn a photo provided by the Washington County Sheriff's Office, the suspect sent Judy a custom blanket that was made with both her and his alleged pictures on it. Everyone beware of Just this week Ive had 2 of these types send wwf games to me. He says your amazing and Ive never seen anyone as gorgeous as you ha ha. woodwoad99. Anyone know Can they penetrate our email which is Attd to be our Banks info + and evrything that who r calls everything over the yrs?? You can also connect with friends through these games and meet new people. However, there are many fake profiles among new players, but not all of them are fake players. You can find out about your opponents by looking at their profile pages. On the other hand, this technique is called Words With Friends Profile Lookup. [Cross-posted on the Center site and elsewhere. Unfortunately he uses a flip phone so cannot take pictures (but how can he use whatsapp and send pictures?) He is president at an Adventist hospital and very active in his church. His email to me was in my spam folder and consisted of him trying to convince me to do a long distance relationship because he knew I was a blessing from God. I think it's a safe bet that anyone trying to make significant conversation on a gaming app is fake. This is just a brief account of how good these men are.catfishing. and now conversations are civil and nice. Hi, got in on Academic Singles. I get requests on WWF all of the time. If they wanna get to know me.. were chatting on wwf, So WHY must we leave and go to Hangouts or whatever other place! Started chatting with all the normal stupid stuff, and then said that he was happily married before, but along the way my wife got blown up in a gas station fire with my daughter.. Ive given no money to anyone and wont but its still wrong and Im encouraging them. 1 did call he was from sweden. RosyChica. He had a good vocabulary, almost too good! His English was perfect. Anyone come across this guy? So you can play with a stranger, arent they all, just dont talk to them! He wanted to keep the charade going, so I let him. Are these bots? My mom has been talking to this guy for 3 yearshe claims he is originally from Turkey, move to Kentucky, has a daughter, he is widowed from an addict (which so is my mom), working on an oil rig in the UKany help would be much appreciated! . Its not listed anywhere. Just curious hes been talking to me but not asking personal questions. And Petter( yes dumbass cant spell Peter right!) Yup I knew that guy Luis Chanaga and several others like Thomas Drier and Rob Smith. I currently have 3 men hitting me up. I have the addressed where I stupidly sent checks. Ive been hacked twice innthe last two months. I am playing with somebody right now who says he is from Germany but lived in NY and Florida for a bit. We started chatting on email, but then he wanted my phone number. Kabul.) Yup then Im mean lol They always think if you are a Christian a certain age unmarried have children that you are an easy mark. Interesting. Their entire existence is to rob us using our most vulnerable weaknesses against us. Nice looking guy in the pic- Ill give them that!! One of his first questions he asked was if I was married and had kids? Trying to pick up pointers on new ways to scam? I have 5 of these scammers going on right now It is fun to mess with them Yes I m married with 3 husbands and 11 kids, Now they are refunding WWF players through Pintrest. WebDid you know scammers play online games like Words with Friends to try and source new victims? Have you had them resign but its not shown up on the win/lose/timed out/resigned bit? But Im worried they hacked my phone. Oh my god I took out two bank loans totaling $30,000 and then discovered it was a scam. I changed my profile pic to my dog and this has cut back on all scammers. Do not reply to Hello. Ive played many an American service man (not for long), and am currently playing a guy called Mason Spielberg, sounds very nice, just waiting for the hit if it comes. I play along for a while then end up blocking them when they get too annoying. I just posted I forgot to say the scammer I just dealt with was named Henry Lucas from Atlanta, who says hes an environmental engineer. What if he was real & wonderful & I was blowing it?! Here are some simple best practices to follow in order to keep scam artists at a distance: 1. Hes a very convincing con man. I decided to call him out and ask to video chat since he was falling for me, wouldnt you want to chat immediately with the love of your life??? To this day I get a scammer EVERY SINGLE DAY. He didnt just quit, he blocked you. All the crazies I encounter playing the game. Have you noticed how many of them have names that could both be christian names? I dont know how to report him since I dont have an account. He resigned pretty quickly. Think Ill do the same. Does anyone else hear this name or this story. First was a civil engineer that suppose to have found diamonds and gems and needed someone to help bring them back into the states but didnt trust anyone with the shipping passcode but me and wanted to me to pay for the special delivery. Better to just block them. Of course others I call out on their scamming threaten to kill me and go berserk. Most havent even been married yet, or have children. He had twin daughters age 17 but his wife died at childbirth of placenta premieria (so?). BTW, never nudge someone, as it gives them information. Smh , So many scammers on WWF I play the lightning rounds and I think they find me there. My grandmother has paid for Jaydens tuition many times. In this scenario, bots would start the games and initiate the chats with the intended victims. Kids, Annie & Logan are being homeschooled to be safe but Robert goes to the hospital to be w/his friend, James, who was recently in a car wreck. I did call one guy out on his English and he a totally gave up. I am considering stopping to be honest. He had already declared me to be the love of his life. But she memorizes her credit card numbers and just orders new phones/ipads/pcs.. Its an endless cycle. When men ask for my phone number I give them the number to Dial A Prayer (704 482 0022 ). Dont feel bad for him and his awful wife who is just around to keep his high paying religious executive job at Kettering Health. Has anyone heard of a George Krantz (Crantz, not sure of the spelling). I might add: If they say they are from the USA, & licensed here for work, you can check to see if they actually have a License as an engineer, etc. These creeps are ruining all the games. So if anybody is spinning you those lines, block them. I have the rejection hotline phone number, so when asked, thats what I give them, then I wait, in usually less then 10 minutes, the game is over, and I am blocked!! I thought I was alone on this issue. Two scammers recently: Steven Jared & Michael Links one was a supposed captain of an oil rig off Mexico and lived in Long Beach CA the other on an oil rig off Ireland and he from Germany widowed with a 14 yr old son at a school in Uganda (that was a clue).. Xmx Patterson on WWF is one of these despicable people. Yep my wife has been getting loads , similar story. Abd not to chat to ppl on there its not safe. Ive been playing for years but suddenly almost every game is ruined by a creeper. Still laughing!! But his profile says that he is from the US. There is even a new shield that you can block and report. I get these on a daily basis. New he was a scammer from the get go, played along with it for 3weeks, really enjoyed telling him that I told as many lies as him. Shes in love. So this guy is bad news. Too smart for that. Started sending me hostile messages and actually demanding that I tell her who I talked to make me feel the way Im feeling. One guy blocked me right after that..The next one persisted, until I blocked him. Most of the time the player decides not to carry on playing, realising Im not the soft touch they were looking for, and the game eventually times out. Yes, happened to me. How to protect yourself or They all seen to be American working in the Army in Afghanistan (latest one William Milton a General no less), sometimes brought up in an orphanage (for the awwww factor), all seem to have lost their wives to cancer (again awww) and all want to go on whatsapp, hangout or facebook so they can look at your beautiful photos. Connypeterson I is part of his email, which I think was stolen, but cant find out Beware! Hey, not sure if you still need help, but if you look back in the comments of this string, you will see many from people being scammed by the same exact person same name, same story, everything. Be warned. Scammers all. Robert Ellingtons fabulous story was a lot like Biancas.. These are other ways that they try to get you to give them money then get really mad that you dont. I live in Western Australia and for the state on my profile it switched my WA so it reads as if its WA Washington State in America lol so I left it at that. A similar situation is happening to me now. Glad u caught on and didnt lose anything major.. like some poor women. When they ask what Im doing I say Im in Vegas gambling but I can afford it because I won $24 million in the lottery. After them saying their speeches. What was his name? If Owen is a rudimentary AI that is following a complex script including deliberately misspelled words to make the bot seem less botty then that means that this scam potentially has global scale at what is effectively zero cost to the scammers. Now I am getting the option to engage in Chat or not with some players, so It looks like WWF is trying to do something about it. Working as a road and bridge engineer on a contract in Russia. Go for it! Shortly after, he stopped playing WWF with me. Has anyone heard of James Richard or James Richardson? Towards the end of the con when they know I wont go to hangouts and please NEVER EVER go there as there is NO SECURITY at all. He asked what phone I was playing on. I believe that Words With Friends is liable for damages for allowing these money scamming degenerates on there site. As hurtful as it is, if they were American and out of our league due to age, wealth, or looks that doesnt change because theyre from or stuck in another country. Dont know if reporting them had done any good. I always report as abuse impersonation. I am at a loss for what to do. They resign. Spells good, has good Englishjust wondering if anyone has heard from him, or of him. One of them asked me what I did for a living and I ignored him so he kept asking over and over so I told him I was the wife of a mafia kingpin. Kept asking for a steam card, then tried iTunes card. Zynga needs to know. It seems to be happening more and more on WWF. I have had this same story from Charles Boyer I knew immediately it was a scam. I just got an invite from a RitchieEvans, an Italian man who is an engineer on an oil rig in the Middle East. Ive had an extended chat with him, which began with him asking what would seem to be the obvious questions of a romantic scammer: what is your favorite flower/color, etc. I kept calling him my pretend boyfriend but part of me did hope somehow he was real. We had so much fun stringing him along! I came searching because I had two different profiles asked me for my google hang out profile. Martins Smork said he was on offshore oil rig; widower with a grandson who lived with relatives. I've You just want us to buy more credits from you. Just block them and they leave your screen no win or loss recorded. Guy is from a foreign country, the wife is dead, and his daughter needs help. Im 70. Hangouts and want to share pics and conversation. He said my son reminded him of him. I finally changed it to a picture of a plant that slowed them down, but I still get a new one every week or 2 it used to be almost daily. (Not sure why since I have always only played with people I know). I thought he had been dead for years. The funniest was when I was asked if I was married. No one has started a game with me since, it could be the same guy using different names. A fantastic player who I was really enjoying and we were chatting in the dialog boxnothing all that personal but a bit. One particular man hit me up bit me up again after i blocked him. The only messages we exchange are good game! or you stole my move! But its exhausting sifting through the scammers. Let me know if you have been scammed by him too. Anyone else had an experience? Had anyone deal with a Mark Joe, David Roberts, William Johnson or Kelvin Triplet? Collisions #6, Lyfts stock cools as Monday-morning reality sets in Collisions #7, Initial Paradox Offering: Uber Collisions #10, The new triple play: transportation, information, delivery Collisions #11, a collaboration between people and programs, on the internet, nobody knows youre a dog., https://www.facebook.com/Captain-Thomas-Lindegaard-Madsen-944806625666781/. I said my husband wouldnt so would he send me money to get one? I changed mine to house mouse and have a picture of cute mouse. Also, Ive noticed that almost ALL of these scammers use a name that is 2 first names of a man. When youve learned to read the clues, dont tell them how theyve tipped their handit will only make the better for the next victim. It is a dreadful app. Kind of odd. Wasnt sure why George wanted to know how tall I was. Yes, Im familiar with that, avoid Bill Valentine or Morgan Anderson both supposedly from CA . All want me to go on other apps or give them my gmail, and spend hours begging me to when I say no. I have a file of over 100 guys that I believe are scammers. I may do the same! He told me to chat with him on Skout but I never did. But, his checking account in Atlanta has been frozen because the previous company he had a contract with went bankrupt due to the Coronavirus, so now he cannot access the money he needs to fix the issues with the rig to continue production. Most charge but I run the photo thru to see if theyve stolen the photo. I made them mad before they could ask. She has attempted to open home loans around $300k. Thanks for your advice. He had this wild story about finding a secret base in Iraq and his team sharing the money they found. Scammers that we have already banned can't comment. So you never know, could meet your soulmate. Havent heard from him in 3 days. The stories are completely made up and they spend all day working older women who are lonely and craving intimacy. All he wanted to do was chat .. Im not playing to chat! Your wife died tragically and now you are a single dad. Im in great demand. Zynga did not create WWF. They usually ask where Im located. She told me she was a medic for the US army and was stationed in Iran, but was coming home in a month. When I told him I wouldnt access his account (of almost $700,000) and have money transferred to my account, he then had no way to get home to access his own account. One of these scammers asked for my phone number. She is also such a fan of the online Scrabble knockoff Words with Friends(WWF) that I might use the word addiction to describe her relationship with the game and only be exaggerating a smidge. I reached out and he of course said he was sorry that someone scammed her using his photos. Since I got a new iPhone about a month ago Im BOMBARDED with game requests from guys I dont know. There are SO many of these men popping up on WWF anymore its ridiculous. Want me to go to Google Hangouts. Sadly there will always be someone out there who is taken in. This started in February. He wasnt sure where they were taking it. But I will give him notice if I can. im sure this guy keeps changing his name and tells people his a military doctor or a un peace keeper! I had that David Craig too, did you ever have Davis Anderson? I was also approached by three different men on WWF. Can we be friends , and, Im widowed etc. His wife has died and he is raising his three kids alone. 14 year old son Blah blah. Theres a Peter Johnson in Boston, Jeremy Scott from Florida, Kelly G Roland from Greece but lives in TX. I said well if you want me to send you money, you have to send me that first. I recall playing some of the people mentioned here like Luis Chanaga and Don Smith and the marines stuck overseas. (How did you know my real name?!?) I got this tonight from another guy Who says that ? Each time you give information they collate it and keep it. LOL. I did a image recognition search on google and it was an Instagram pic. Widowed, one girl 22 Stephanie living in Toronto. Also one of his workers killed himself by jumping of the rig. I dont even see a way to do it. Please do not give this man any private info. They also want to know what and when I ate last, havent figured that one out yet and become quite upset when I say no. From Atlanta, GA. Has two girls Alicia-12 and Rennie-6. Its easy to get caught up in that business! From Europe but who now live in the USA Looking them up is irrelevant. Its easy to get wrapped up in somebodys story, but if you find yourself tempted to send money to a stranger even if its just a little ask for help. This biggest thing that finally got me to drop him was he had said that they were leaving out of the Port of Dallas. WebAnswer (1 of 5): Probably 4 out of 5 game requests I get are from scammers, mainly Nigeria and to a lesser extent the USA. I can tell by their profile pics theyre scammers before they even write me. Just playing with him now to see how long it takes for him to dump me. Is Hangouts itself Danger once contact is made w these w th we mainly W African professional thieves? The boiler room is scary enough, but even scarier is the idea that instead of a room full of sweaty guys, maybe Owen is a bot. Never feel sorry for them. I am waiting for the punch line of how much she needs from me. WebIt's been fun. I feel for these lost souls, but I cannot help them. Also about to retire and getting huge payout. I had a guy Kennedy Derek said he was from Germany living in Florida. Changed my photo to be one of my dogs and scammers have stopped. He asked if I am happily married with kids and still wants to chat after I said yes. We found way more money gone than we even knew she had. I dont mind playing if Im getting points but dont want to chat with most players, especially scammer bots with fake photos! She said she was from Orlando but had no idea what I was talking about when I asked if she had been to Celebration since I was thinking of buying a condo. Having said that, 99% of the people I play with are good people. I feel like as I waste their time it keeps them from scamming other people. Also see how many languages they play. Headed to Turkey to mine diamonds . All started out Luis Chanaga aka LC used this site and games to manipulate women into meeting up and having sex by telling women his marriage was to an emotionally abusive woman who sexually shamed him. Supposedly working in Syria for the UN. First thing was a pic of a handsome marine. There is a guy named Christopher Gilbert that is a scammer. If they wanted to chat, there are plenty apps made just for that. Called me dear, baby, angel, contract with UN in Middle East. One was from Germany, but when I wrote to him in German, he hadnt a clue what I was saying Just a lonely married man in a sad marriage to a mean wife. working out of the country, etc, I was never asked for money, I blocked them after the story got old! It might seem beyond belief that anybody would ever fall for this, but innocent people have been falling for the Nigerian Prince scam for years and to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. WebRule 11 fights scammers by requiring them to comment on your post before contacting you. I am ashamed that I could fall for such TRASH, Heres another couple of names for the look out collection: . being widows and single parent. He acts innocent, chats but is terrible at the game, so I gave him tips but he was more interested in me. Beware if Hughes Robert and Gavin Eric especially Gavin Eric ( Gavin E). I am sorry people tell lies & act trustworthy & kind when thise things are not true. He wants $132,000. Nice pictures on Facebook. I always ask what website they are getting this BS from, of course they dont understand what you mean, and one guy tried telling me it was a coincidence, a word for word coincidence. All of them pose as working in the oil industry (Larry says hes a military engineer). I changed the profile picture so I would look a little more approachable . Maybe his wife found out he slept with women most of their marriage. To me that is a RED FLAG. But the English syntax always gives them away! I am married and have three children. They dont play lightening rounds but find potential victims that way. You can imagine my surprise although I was laughing like crazy. All I hope for now is that karma comes back & bites them. Hangouts has absolutely NO SECURITY! It shouldnt matter what anyone else thinks if you trust me, kinds of crap. I always do a reverse image search. It was very agitating at first, but once I started playing along, I really started looking forward to it. Anybody interact with DAVID HEWITT? Rogueleader19. I started getting hit with scammers too. I was challenging his integrity!! and how hes still looking for someone special blah blah bloody blah, I got so fed up with it I ended up telling him to do one (well a bit more colourful than that!) Lol watch for CORBIN BEN,EDDIE JOHNS,BENNET JACK, RICHARD RODGERS,EDDIE JOHNS, Donald Gentle, Frank Edwin. Happy New Year. After a few weeks of talking to him my friend discovered this. Ive had numerous scammers, exactly same experiences as everyone else. Supposed to be a Petroleum Chemical Engineer. Addressed where I stupidly sent checks 11/22/20 Lives in Galveston, Texas so? ) you can play a. Meant cool music with kids and still wants to chat with most,! On his English and he is president at an Adventist hospital and very active in his church always only with! 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words with friends scammer photos

words with friends scammer photos